Can an introvert succeed in online marketing?

Actually, introverts have many traits that not only let them succeed but also excel in the online marketplace.

When Carl Jung introduced his analysis of introverts and extroverts, one major characteristic he identified was how each type of person recharged their energy.  Extroverts recharge from being around other people.  They draw energy from the give and take of social interaction.  Introverts recharge by leaving the crowd and seeking solitude.  Their energy recharges from within, or from quieter activities such as reading or writing.  Think of how your personal friends react.  Do you know anyone like my friend Bob?  He’s the friend that organizes the “after the party” party.   The party is winding down, and so is Bob.  What does he do?  He starts rounding up a group of people to head to the bar, and recharges from the more intimate setting, often so energized that he drags everyone along to breakfast before finally crashing to sleep.

And then there is my friend Jill.  At the same party as Bob, she enjoyed socializing with everyone, but for her the evening is over.  She has exhausted herself by being “on” for her friends all evening.  When Bob asks her to join the group at the bar, Jill’s only wish is to find her way home and curl up with a good book before she calls it a night.  She just needs some time alone to recharge before work the next day.

Don’t confuse being an introvert with being shy. 

Introverts may enjoy socializing as much as their extroverted friends, unlike a shy person who is not comfortable in a crowd. So how are introverts and extroverts different, besides their recharging styles?

  •  Introverts generally hate small talk. An introvert will begin a conversation by describing a project he is working on rather than open with a comment about the weather or last night’s ballgame.
  • Introverts are comfortable working behind the scenes. They take the leadership role reluctantly, although they are often more prepared than the extrovert who jumps into the role.
  • The analytical problem solver is often an introvert.
  • Processes are a comfortable path for the introvert. They are good at analyzing and creating processes and generally excel at executing well-defined processes with high consistency.

The introvert’s roadmap to success doesn’t look like that of an extrovert. There is a big myth that we’ve been led to believe. Experts tell us that a successful salesperson must be charismatic and likable. A salesperson needs to be outgoing, to love nothing more than working a room to enhance his network. His success is based on the personal rapport that he builds with his customers. The myth says that sales ability is something you are born with. The introvert may not have the charm of the “natural salesman,” but he brings his own strengths to the table that let him match the success of the most charismatic salesperson. His listening skills, analytical skills, and ability to successfully build and follow processes put him in an enviable position since those skills are even more critical in the online world.

What are the steps to success for an introvert?

  • Learn the basics of sales. Selling is a skill that anyone can learn.
  • Analyze your successes and failures. As you learn what works for you, you will build successful, repeatable systems for selling.
  • Recognize and act on your strengths. Introverts make great salespeople when they bring their unique abilities to the table.

By focusing on their strengths, introverts can build a sales program that puts them in the position of a trusted advisor. They will have the customer’s confidence that they understand his business and his problems, will educate him on the best solutions and innovations to improve his business, and have the systems to implement those solutions.



    4 replies to "Can An Introvert Succeed at Online Marketing?"

    • Kneller Fernandes

      I never knew the difference between being an introvert and being shy. Nice article…

      • Mac

        Thanks for the compliment!

    • James King

      Very interesting article! As someone who tends to be “on” in social settings, but definitely an introvert at home, this got me to think. Thanks for sharing.

      • Mac

        Thanks for the feedback James. The key is getting comfortable with your own energy and how you react — so you can take charge and communicate honestly without the pressure to conform.

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